Archive for the ‘General’ Category

COVID-19: Open for Business

Ready-Heat is open for business during these unprecedented times.
Our corporate headquarters is closed in order to comply with local executive mandates and will not reopen until at least May 30th but our team is working from home and can be contacted quickly via email.

Our warehouse is open and shipping so while there may be delays, we will do our best to get your orders processed and shipped as soon as possible. 

Please contact us at to submit an order or check on the status of your order.
Please contact us at for general questions or requests.
Please contact your salesperson directly if you need specific questions answered. If you don’t know how to get in touch with your salesperson or do not have one please contact us at

We appreciate your business and please stay safe!
The Ready-Heat Team
Apr-17-20 a las 8:18 pm General. Comments Off on COVID-19: Open for Business

Richmond, VA Ambulance Adopts Ready-Heat Infant Cocoon

infant-cocoon-cropped_0Richmond, VA Ambulance is now using the Ready-Heat Infant Cocoon for infant warming during transport. Hypothermia prevention for your most precious cargo.

Sep-30-16 a las 5:04 pm General. Sin Comentarios

Ready-Heat at the Super Bowl


You’re welcome!

Sep-30-16 a las 5:02 pm General. Sin Comentarios

The Ready-Heat Vest at the NYC Marathon!

cori2Dr. Cori Horn and her brother, Howard Horn, ran the NYC Marathon this past Sunday November 3rd and utilized the Ready-Heat Vest to stay warm. With a temperature below average and wind gusts at 20-30 mph Dr. Horn said that, “the Ready-Heat Vest was a life saver!” Cori came in at 3 hours 38 minutes and 40 seconds and qualified for the Boston Marathon. Congratulations Cori!

If you will be out in the cold running, spectating, volunteering, skiing, riding a motorcycle or even working! make sure to pick up a Ready-Heat vest to warm up your core and keep that chill away. You can buy vests here!

And don’t forget to check out our other outdoor Ready-Heat products like the stadium lap blanket or the mini-blanket, also available online!

From the battlefield to the starting line, quality you can trust.

Sep-30-16 a las 4:58 pm General. Sin Comentarios
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